Hi All,
Just got this email from a good friend of mine, who is just inches away from a master's degree in sociology... thought I would post it, and if you think you can help, email me at patbubo@yahoo.com and I'll send you her phone number. Help her out... Good karma works!
Hello everyone!
As some of you may know, I’m in the process of collecting data for my thesis on the intersection of social class and African-American naming preferences. The process has been intense, but I look forward to seeing the end product and to (finally) graduate this December. In order to cross that bridge, I’m crying out to you for help! My research is based on informal interviews with African-American parents of children age 10 and under, yet unfortunately I’m having some difficulty rounding up participants. The goal is to commit twelve individuals to spend about a half-hour of their time to talk about themselves and their children. The end result should be twelve short but detailed ‘case studies’ or profiles of parents to compare and contrast their reasons for choosing their child’s particular name. So far, parents have had as much fun talking as I have had listening to their stories. Here are the criteria for participants that I am seeking:
Both parent (s) of the child should be African-American. This is only to avoid a cross-cultural project.
Parent (s) should have a child/children age 10 and under, boy or girl
Possible participants should also know the following:
All names, locations and other identifying information will be kept confidential. Parents will be assigned pseudonyms to protect their identity
Children will NOT be interviewed, only parent (s)
Face-to-face interviews should not take longer than 30-40 minutes
That’s about it! If you know anyone willing to share thirty minutes of their time for a worthy cause, please forward the email. I can best be contacted for more information by email but I have also included phone numbers listed below. Thanks in advance for all your help!
Shakira S.